Here we have collected useful links and reference materials that our customers often use.

1Who benefits from investing in solar panels?
Solar panels help to save electricity, and in most cases, are equally profitable for private clients, homeowner associations, and entrepreneurs.
2How are solar panels connected to the power grid?

To do this, the owner of small production equipment (electric panels) needs to submit an application for connection and conclude a contract for the supply of electricity. The waiting time is up to 2 months, if additional work in the power grid is not required, for other cases the queue lasts up to 1 year. In this case, it is also important to take into account the possible costs associated with the restructuring of the power grid.

Read more on the Elektrilevi page:

3How to use solar panels in the dark?
To use solar energy in the dark, it is recommended to install a home battery. Interesting fact: some new models of electric vehicles (for example, Mitsubishi Outlander) have a so-called bidirectional charging function (Vehicle to grid - V2G). Such cars can be used as a home battery for the night. In the future, technologies like that will become ubiquitous, and owners of solar panels will be able to gain even more independence from the power grid.
4How is the sale of excess electricity back to the grid?
A surplus of generated electricity can be sold at the exchange value to the electricity supplier with whom you have a contract.
5Are there support measures for the installation of solar panels?

Yes! The Kredex Foundation (now the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Fund) accepts applications for financial support for the installation of solar panels on houses, apartment buildings and cottages.

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